Tuesday, March 11, 2025


Band Concert on Tuesday, 11th at 6:00 pm.


PHOTOGRAPHY CONTEST: Mrs. Seymour is looking for photography entries for the Champaign County HS Show. If you have a photogenic eye submit your photo to her on school email no later than Friday, March 14. The top 5 entries will represent WLS at the contest.


SCHEDULING: Computer Labs are open for scheduling during homeroom times this week.
CCP: NEW to CCP Next Year? If you plan to take your 1st CCP course at WL-S next year, please be sure to complete the below steps:

  1. Turn in your CCP Declaration of Intent and Counseling Session Paper, signed by you & a parent

  2. Apply to Edison State as a CCP Student, link to apply provided below.

  3. Thinking about online classes? Be sure to sign up to meet wiht our Ed State rep on April 8 (sign up coming soon)

  4. Thinking about the Health Science courses at WL-S next Year? Apply to Clark State as a CCP student.

SOPHOMORES: Registration is now open for the Pre-ACT that will take place on March 13. Register in the HS Counseling Office by paying $18 (cash or check made payable to WLS). The Pre-ACT is recommended for college considering students. This assessment is great practice for what to expect on the ACT as well as provide predictive scores. Register by March 10.

JUNIORS: The ACT will be March 13 @ WL-S. If you were absent during the HR Meetings for creating your ACT account and completing the non- test sections, be sure to plan to meet with Mrs. Smith to complete this prior to March 13. If you are having difficulty setting up your account, also be sure to see Mrs. Smith to resolve any issues prior to March 13. Students interested in opting out can pick up and return the required paperwork at the HS Counseling Office.

Continued on next page...

VOLUNTEERING: Use these opportunities to help your community and gain service hours!
CASTLES: Mac-A-Cheek Castle has many upcoming opportunities for student volunteers, from April-October. If interested contact: Kris MacGillivray Shannon, 330-951-6563,

HABITAT FOR HUMANITY: The Logan County Habitat for Humanity is in need of someone to help with some small landscaping (plant bushes/flowers, mulch, etc.) this spring at a house that is being built in Russells Point. If interested, contact Mr. Yoder.


Stolly Insurance SUCCEED Scholarship: For any Ohio senior enrolled in secondary education; (3) $1,000 scholarships awarded; Apply online:; Online app due 3/28/25 (during spring break)

Clara Beck; $2,000 awarded; Education majors only; Apps in Counseling Office; Completed apps due in Counseling Office on 4/9/25 SPORTS

TRACK: On Wednesday, March 12th, there will be a parent meeting for all boys and girls in track this spring in the cafetorium at 5:30 pm.
GOLF: There will be a meeting for all boys and girls participating in the fall golf season in Mr. Stormes’s room (413) on Thursday, March 13th during

2nd HR.
BASKETBALL: Boys will have their end of season banquet on Thursday, March 13th at 6:00 pm in the cafetorium.

WEIGHT ROOM: Any high school student using the weight room after school must be accompanied by a board approved chaperone (coach, teacher, or administrator). Weight room hours are 3:00-4:15 every day except Wednesday which is 3:00-4:00.