Hello Seniors and Families,
Hopefully the first two weeks of your Senior year have been everything you had hoped for; full of fun, time with friends and enjoying your classes. As I have been telling Seniors all week, the time between your Senior Sunrise and Senior Sunset will fly by. Your senior year is such a BIG year with lots to do. Pacing, planning, and using your resources (teachers, family and HS Counselor) will all aid in having a successful year!
As of today, I have wrapped up homeroom visits sharing the attached ‘Senior Newsletter’. I encourage families to review for important information. Below is a highlight of upcoming events and reminders.
- Homecoming Events
- Sept 21 @ 6:30: Parade and community bonfire
- Sept 22 @ 6:15: Homecoming Ceremony, football game to follow at 7:00p
- Sept 23 @ 7:00-10:00: Homecoming dance @ WL-S
- September 26: Champaign County Career Expo
- This is for all WL-S Juniors and Seniors in Champaign County. This short field trip to the Champaign County Fairgrounds will feature a mini-college fair, local military recruiters as well as dozens of local employers with hands on interactive activities to learn more about their business and job opportunities.
- September 28: Senior Lunch with Your Family
- Seniors will enjoy a full hour of outside lunch (weather permitting), music and games. Family member(s) can bring lunch in or purchase from our cafeteria.
- October 11: Digital Empowerment
- Student assembly during the day with an informational parent assembly in the evening.
- October 18: Community Service Day in the afternoon (during school day)
- Students will sign up for various community service event opportunities throughout Logan and Champaign Counties as well as opportunities on campus.
- November 3: Women in STEMM field trip to Edison State, details coming soon.
- January 17: FAFSA/Financial Aid Night
- If you have previous experience with the FAFSA, you may recall that every October the site opens up for students and families to complete the application. This year the site will not go live until after the first of the year. Students and families can attend this event in January to learn all about the FAFSA and financial aid resources, but also actually complete the FAFSA with assistance provided. We will share details leading up to this event on how to be prepared to complete the FAFSA at this date.
- Seniors have 2 excused college visit days this year.
- Students can schedule with the colleges of their choice, typically online. Provide documentation before and after your scheduled visit to Mrs. Jen Wilcoxon to be excused.
As always, students and families are encouraged to reach out to myself or Mrs. Candace Watson (Cwatson@wlstigers.org), HS Counseling Secretary for any questions or concerns throughout the year.